...leveraging Evidence Based Data

Strategic Solutions
Successful businesses learn more from the market and take necessary actions to understand, validate
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Operational Excellence
The Implementation, Control and Feedback machinery often faces challenges while meeting the demands
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Business Enhancement
An outside inwards approach trying to understand the market, the felt needs and the position a company
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Data Analytics
Capture, collation and meaningful insights derived from the appropriate and most suitable parameters go
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"Scientific methods for understanding the business requirements, aligning with stakeholders, designing solutions, implementation and ensuring continuum of services"

Optimized solutions
The solutions deliver optimized utilization of resources

Ease of Implementation
The involvement of stakeholders on ground solutions are designed with realistic scenarios

Unlimited Possibilities
Project deliverables can be used for realisation of business objectives while scaling up or replicating in similar environment

Customized Solutions & On ground Support

Specific solutions designed as per project requirements, implemented and control mechanisms established


The Indian healthcare industry has progressed at an impressive pace over the past few years. The private sector has emerged as a vibrant force in the industry, accounting for almost 74 per cent of the country’s total healthcare expenditure.
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As the healthcare industry is trying to find efficiencies and better outcomes, institutions from providers to insurers and beyond are betting on growth and economies of scale through vertical integration.
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The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well private players/div>
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Business Tansformation
A small scale hospital business was transformed into a corporate level 100 bedded tertiary care facility by implementing strategic partnerships, robust business planning, engaging clinical teams, equipment installations, process set up, brand building and commisioning of the hospital while adding value propositions as per the felt need of the target market
Market Feasibility
A US based network of ambulatory care Surgical care provider was seaking a market feasibility analysis and business planning for India as a new market. Intense primary and secondary research across providers, health insurers, pharmaceuticals and medical devices was done collating data to make meaningful inference. Competitive analysis combined with consumer behaviour, regulatory compliance and availability of skill sets was a value addition for the study.
Healthcare Analytics
A multinational neutraceutical giant needed urgent analysis of healthcare ststus of their 3k+ workforce within 4 weeks. On site diagnostics with robust data analysis was done by a dedictaed project team and results delivered with significant impact at organisation level.
Operational Excellence
A healthcare institution required cleaning their regulatory and operational challenges while improving overall business. The Pranay team deployed a project manageemnt team to engage with regulatory bodies while creasing out the issues, implemented business strategies with a win win situation for all, initiated many strategic tie ups, engaged best in class faculties and improved admission rates.